Hi all, just wanted to point you all to this web page as it does a really good job explaining Microsoft approach on what management technologies should be used when managing computer in your fleet.
Just a couple of relevant quote are:
- Domain joined PCs and tablets should continue to be managed with the System Center Configuration Manager client or Group Policy.
- Group Policy is the best way to granularly configure domain joined Windows PCs and tablets connected to the corporate network using Windows-based tools. Microsoft continues to add Group Policy settings with each new version of Windows
Put simply, Group Policy is still a great way to configure and manage computers in your environment. However, it is no longer the ONLY way Microsoft offeres…
Definitely read the who blog at https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/microsoftintune/2016/03/23/the-path-to-modernizing-windows-management/
Also an interesting read is a similar article that was blogged by fellow Group Policy MVP Darren Mar-Elia at https://sdmsoftware.com/technology-futures/2016-future-group-policy/
Originally from Microsoft Intune http://ift.tt/22vV8FG
The Path to Modernizing Windows Management https://t.co/HYmSrEFSmg