Updated: Internet Explorer 9 (RC) Group Policy Settings

IE9answerMicrosoft today released the Internet Explorer 9 Release Candidate to the public for testing at http://ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/ . This new browser is the cleanest, fastest, most secure, standards compliant browser that Microsoft (and anyone else) has ever released. If you have using IE9 in your organisation (and you probably are) they you need to take a serious look a upgrading to this browser when it is released.

With a new browser comes new features, with new features comes new options and with new options come NEW GROUP POLICIES!!!

So below is a summary list of all the new group policy setting for IE9 take from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-au/library/ff973977.aspx

Updated: I have now added a screenshot of each of the policy setting. A couple of them I can’t seem to find yet but i will keep looking…

  • Prevent Deleting Download History


  • Disable add-on performance notifications


  • Allow Internet Explorer 8 Shutdown Behavior


  • Install binaries signed by MD2 and MD4 signing technologies


  • Automatically enable newly installed add-ons


  • Turn off Managing SmartScreen Filter


  • Prevent configuration of search from the Address bar


  • Go to an intranet site for a single word entry in the Address bar


  • Turn on ActiveX filtering


  • Enable alternate codecs in HTML5 media elements


  • Configure Tracking Protection Lists (Still looking)
  • Prevent Deleting ActiveX Filtering and Tracking Protection data


  • Show tabs below Address bar (Still looking)
  • Tracking Protection threshold


  • Turn off Tracking Protection


For a complete listing of all the IE9 Group Policy setting, where they can be found and how you install them to Active Directory go to TechNet: Group Policy Settings

FYI – I am planning on redoing the screenshots of all the IE9 settings like i did for the beta so stay tuned…

Author: Alan Burchill

Microsoft MVP (Group Policy)

9 thoughts on “Updated: Internet Explorer 9 (RC) Group Policy Settings

  1. IE9の正式版がリリースされたけど、IE9用のグループポリシーの基本設定の設定項目は追加されてないのか…。http://bit.ly/i2KK7x http://bit.ly/aMaFFa http://bit.ly/gRnsld #IE9 #GoupPolicy

  2. IE9の正式版がリリースされたけど、IE9用のグループポリシーの基本設定の設定項目は追加されてないのか…。http://bit.ly/i2KK7x http://bit.ly/aMaFFa http://bit.ly/gRnsld #IE9 #GroupPolicy

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