This year I will be presenting 2 Group Policy session at TechEd Australia and TechEd New Zealand . I am super excited to be co-presenting these session with fellow Group Policy MVP Jeremy Moskowitz who has literally wrote the book on Group Policy.
You are of course going to be attending my session however if you want to see what other session are going to be presented the Australian Session Catalog has now got session listed (more coming soon).
This means you will have 20% of all the Group Policy MVP’s in the world at TechEd this year, so between us (mainly Jeremy) we will be able to answer any of your Group Policy questions.
See you there!!!
Blog Post: Come to my (TechEd) Group Policy Session’s!!!!
Blog Post: Come to my (TechEd) Group Policy Session’s!!!! #auteched
Blog Post: Come to my (TechEd) Group Policy Session’s!!!! #tenz
It’s gonna be awesome. That’s all I have to say. 🙂 -Jeremy