Jan Egil’s has just written a good blog post explaining how to use Power Shell with Group Policy Preferences to easily setup multiple printer connections. If you have ever had to make printer connections with Group Policy Preferences you will know that it is a real easy to copy a printer connection. However it is a real pain to then modify the printer path and targeting… again… and again… and again… and again… Definitely worth a read if you use Group Policy Preferences to manage your printer connection in your organisation.
Check out the article at Automate Group Policy Preferences printer-management using Windows PowerShell « Jan Egil`s Admin-Blog
Blog Post: Automate Group Policy Preferences printer-management using Windows PowerShell http://bit.ly/4Sg7pT
RT @alanburchill Blog Post: Automate Group Policy Preferences printer-management using Windows PowerShell http://bit.ly/4Sg7pT